
I’ve taken to going for quite a long walk on a Saturday afternoon – a good 3 hours or so as a minimum, provided the rain stays away.   To be honest, it’s just been that the weather has been brighter than the rest of the week, but the winds have been unpleasantly high for actually riding the bike – so it’s been nice to just get out on foot, walk around in the fresh air and get some sunlight on my face – I swear it’s as good as a dose of Prozac as far as mood improvement.

Today’s was another 9 miles or so (strange that I ride the bike in km’s but tend to walk locally in Miles, isn’t it…)   Blowing a complete hoolie all the way round, and far colder than the Garmin Recorded (probably because it was stuffed deep in my jacket pocket out of the wind!)


Excellent Weekend

Saturday just had to be a day off the bike – for the simple reason that I’d ridden 5 days on the bounce.   Annoyingly it coincided with what was probably the best weather conditions of the week…   Seemed a crying shame to waste it, so strapped on my walking boots intending to go for a walk for a hour or so…   then I came over all Forrest Gump, and at every point where I could turn back towards home, I sort of carried on.   3 Hours and 8.5 miles later I decided it was a little cold and getting dark, so I really aught to go home and have a brew…

Sunday dawned cold and Icy.  So cold that I actually held off setting out for my ride until 10am hoping it’d warm up a bit.   If anything, the temperature dropped.    As I left the house the Garmin Read 21°c (ambient in the house).   For the next mile and a half, the temperature readout dropped like a stone, eventually settling at around -1°c, where it remained for the next hour or so.   In order to try and keep on the bike, I decided to ride my usual route in reverse, hoping that the shaded/backroad traffic free bit that is usually the outward leg would have had chance to thaw out a little before I got there.   No such luck, everywhere where the road was in shade was still covered in frost.   I don’t think I’ve gone so gentle around corners for such a long distance in my life…   Probably accounts for the slightly high IF rating of the ride, as I was so slow in the corners I had been pretty much sprinting back out of them to get some semblance of speed back into the ride, and some warmth into my body!.    The last 5 miles or so of the ride was probably the easiest, as I picked up the back of a local “clubrun”, was welcomed aboard for a bit of a rest (must have looked rough by then for them to offer) and spent 5 miles dodging the wind and trying to remember not to touch the brakes as I was on something with working disks, and the rest of the lads were riding their winter hacks and rim brakes.    Still – it was nice to actually ride in company for a while, and also to realise that I probably could hold my own with that clubrun for the full duration of a ride (the power figures courtesy of the Stages Powermeter  for that section are not dissimilar to what I’d done for the rest of the ride, riding solo.

Strava for this ride is here, and if any of the lads from the Calder Clarion who put up with the fat wheelsucker in Black are reading this…   thanks for the wheel gents – I was in dire need.


… the rain stopped and I could get out today.   Nothing spectacular, but I think that the cabin fever from yesterday resulted in me going a little Banzai…    turned into a pretty hard tempo to threshold session, as borne out by the figures fron the Garmin…   TSS 118.7 IF 0.923 VI 1.105 – Tough ride, hope they’re not ALL going to hurt this much in 2014!

Strava for this one is here


Oh the weather outside is frightful…

… but silly bollocks here still went out for a ride in it.

Managed 30km barely, eighty-odd minutes of abject misery and getting blown all over the bloody place.   Stats from the powermeter say it all as far as how pleasant it was – TSS 87.3 IF 0.877 VI 1.127 and 27% of the ride at threshold or above…   which, for a nice steady couple of hours of base/tempo riding (for that was what was on the slate for today) is frankly a complete clusterfuck!

I wasn’t even out for long enough to “burn my beer” for tonight.   Not entirely a happy bunny, in all honesty.

Strava for the ride’s here – i’m just going to try and forget it.

Shakedown Ride

Short shakedown ride, just to make sure all the silly faffing about I did yesterday swapping the BB, Chainset, Chain and all the rest of the stuff had worked properly.   Slight annoying creak which caused me to return home and run the torque wrench over everything turned out to be the cleat on my left shoe that was worn and full of mud from a couple of rides ago.

Still – at least I know it’s all worked okay, and I’ve managed to fit a trip to the supermarket in as well, so its not a complete bust.

Strava for the ride here

Should have worn another layer…

… because despite being perishing, it was lovely out there, and If I hadn’t been frozen daft, it’d have been nice to get another hour or two of riding in while the weather held.

As it is, I did my 34km, and got the hell back home for a mug of something warm and a change of clobber.    I’m now looking out of the window thinking “Hmm, it’s too nice to stay in, and I’ve bugger all else I can do today around the house, think it’s time for a walk…”

So, that’s what I’m gonna do.

Strava for the ride’s here.