Training Program Day 2 workout 1

Yeah – strange I know, but the first day was a scheduled day off…  presumably to let you sit and read what you’re getting yourself into, then shit yourself.

Actually, it’s not THAT bad, it’s basically a fairly gentle Century Ride Builder program – the basic workouts are scheduled pretty “hard and fast” with the week commencing on a Tuesday (yes, I know,I know…) with a rest day, followed by a base session Wednesday, a gap on Thursday, and another base on Friday, gap Saturday, long ride Sunday and recovery ride Monday.   The distance and duration of these rides basically ramp up for the next 8 weeks.   Along with these static rides, there are a few “discretionary” sessions – once a month, there’s a FTP test to drop in, ideally on one of the “gap” days, and also a number of higher intensity sessions, again of rising training stress which are more specific to the Turbo – so, to make the most of outdoor riding, if it’s poor weather on a “base session” day, it’s okay to “nudge” the base onwards to the gap day, just making sure that there’s never more than 3 days consecutive of riding.    It sounds a bit messy, but it’s the only kind of plan that’ll work for me, a reactive one…

Here’s hoping the weather is relatively kind – doing some of the “base” sessions on the Turbo holds little appeal.

Anyhoo – to todays ride…     Strava for it is here – basically, just a 30km ride, trying as hard as possible to keep power at Z4 or under for the duration.    Didn’t QUITE manage it, frankly, it’s a wee bit hilly around here to be able to do that for a big lad – but less than 11 minutes of the 1h33m ride were over the cut-off point, basically just the odd short sharp rise that given how much I weigh, I simply CAN’T get over even in bottom gear without pushing more torque through the cranks than i’m allowed!.


Outside, Wind in my Hair…

… snot rockets flying all around.   Actually felt up to riding outside today, and I’m glad I did.   Was still pretty windy – just concentrated on keeping the HR under check and not getting too far out of breath on things.   Surprisingly, the power figures came out pretty well – maybe the rest over christmas has given me a chance to regroup a bit, and if I can just shake the dreaded lurgie before that takes the edge off things again I may be coming into the early season on a bit of an up…

In other news, I also got a bit of training related Schwagg from the UPS man today…

Training with "das panzerwagen"...   Oh dear!

Should be …  Interesting, trying to match cadence with “das panzerwagen”…

There’s a streak of Masochism…

… that most cyclists will probably recognise.   I have one day lay-off from the bike and the following day, I’m sat, at 8am, looking out of the window thinking “Need to be Outside Right Now” – despite the rain being lashed at the windows by the 30kph winds.   By 11:30am, it’s got the better of me, the rain has stopped (more or less) and the roads…. well, they’re wet of course.  So what, I’ve got a bike with mudguards now.   Get your lazy arse dressed in your “Flandrian Best” and out there riding.

Eventually, just to stop the “inner voice” berating me, I did, and – do you know what – the hardest 10 metres of the ride was the distance from the doorstep to the kerb.   After that,   I enjoyed pretty much every bit of it.

Today wasn’t really about the Strava, but it’s always good to keep the paperwork up to date – so the link’s here if anyone cares.


More Base

Better weather – sun shining, but windy and cold.   No, make that COLD.   Dressed in my full “Belgian Sunday Best” and i was fucking freezing!

Garmin said average of 7°c, wind chill making it feel more like 1°c.   It felt colder frankly.   Compared to last year I’m really starting to feel the difference in the amount of body-fat % and the loss if “inbuilt” insulation.   Which I suppose is a good thing – but it didn’t really feel like it at times today.

Strava for the ride here.

Think this might be the calm before the storm to be honest…   forecast for next couple of days is bogging!


Smiles not Miles – Week 5 Day 7

End of the smiley-smiley section I think…

Today was a complete clusterfuck from start to finish – decided to chance one last ride on the “fast” bike before mothballing it, hoping for a good long day out – roads covered in ice, not yet gritted so bloody awful, then 25km in I hit what I thought was a bit of ice broken out of a frozen puddle.   Wrong, it was glass. Cut a chunk out of the front tyre, latex in inner-tube couldn’t hold it so sprayed all over the place.  Ended up with tyre held together with a Quavers packet found in the hedgerow and limping home for a measly 52.5km on what’s now looking like the nicest, sunniest day we’ve had in a fortnight once the streets are finally aired.

I am NOT a happy bunny.


Strava stuff is here for future reference…

Smiles not Miles – Week 5 Day 5

Cooler and Grey-er than yesterday, but dry and calm, and – frankly – at this time of year, thats good enough for me.

Yet again, feeling a little closer to being back “on it” – bit quicker, less snot and lung-butter being produced, and the HR almost identical to yesterday, but with a 5% improvement in normalised power.   Yeah Baby, Yeah!!

Strava stuff here for the data obsessives…

Probably off the bike tomorrow, then, weather permitting a longer one on Sunday… (with the obligatory pause for a couple of minutes at 11:00 am obviously!)


Smiles not Miles – Week 5 Day 4

Another surprisingly pleasant day, would have been daft not to ride – just did a fairly steady hour and a half, dropped in a couple of gratuitous loops to comply with a daft challenge I’ve been running on the MyFitnessPal website, and other than that, just enjoyed one of the final roll-arounds I’m likely to get on the Dolan this year before it goes into mothballs for the winter – i.e. whenever the Cannondale actually arrives…

Ride details via Strava are here, for anyone made enouugh to be interested.


Smiles not Miles – Week 5 Day 3

After a day off to address “undercarriage issues” I’m back on the case again today – a bit of a grey one, but the winds dropped substantially, and, more to the point, I could actually sit on the saddle today!   Actually, the easy day and a day off following has done me a power of good – the colds really cleared up, breathing much better and managed to actually “give it the beans” a bit on some of the hillier bits.

Yeah – felt pretty good to be honest.

Strava file pretty much backs that up as well  here