
I’ve taken to going for quite a long walk on a Saturday afternoon – a good 3 hours or so as a minimum, provided the rain stays away.   To be honest, it’s just been that the weather has been brighter than the rest of the week, but the winds have been unpleasantly high for actually riding the bike – so it’s been nice to just get out on foot, walk around in the fresh air and get some sunlight on my face – I swear it’s as good as a dose of Prozac as far as mood improvement.

Today’s was another 9 miles or so (strange that I ride the bike in km’s but tend to walk locally in Miles, isn’t it…)   Blowing a complete hoolie all the way round, and far colder than the Garmin Recorded (probably because it was stuffed deep in my jacket pocket out of the wind!)


Sunday = Long Ride and Big Dinner

And I cracked it on both counts.   Out for 9am, roads a little damp but at least warm enough that it was just dew not black ice.   Set off with the serious intention of being out for at least 4 hours – around a hour into the ride I managed to pick up a bit of glass in the back tyre, but nothing too serious – fixable and didn’t put too much of a crimp into my ride – though I did drop the thoughts of the extra distance loop going out via Boothferry Bridge, instead going direct from Snaith up towards Selby.    From there it was the usual ride out via Cawood Ryther and Ulleskelf to Towton and back home via Castleford, Altofts and Normanton.   At Warmfield I actually thought “no, stuff it, make up the 100km” so ploughed straight on over Pineapple Hill and down actoss the common and up into Walton before doubling back through Crofton and Home.

A quick mug of something warm and sweet, then out to the local Asda, picked up a Chicken for Sunday Dinner and a Bottle of Red to wash it down with – home again – just in time to spend a couple of hours with a good mate who decided to pay a visit.

Big sunday dinner (at around 7pm – so proper dinner, not lunch) and a couple of hours of music followed by bed and a well earned kip.

Yes, I am writing this the next day – so sue me!

Strava for the ride yesterday is here – today’s definitely going to be a rest day.

MFP Vuelta Challenge – Stage 4

Lalín / a Estrada → Finisterra, 187km


Well – after yesterdayss day off the bike, I thought I’d get a bit longer than the normal loop done today – sadly, that wasn’t to be – set off, and 10km  into the ride, remembered I’d forgotten to re-attach the saddlebag – meaning I’d no spare tubes/puncture kit/pump/tools/cash with me.   Doubled back, grabbed the bag and realised that with 20km in my legs already, that my planned ride  was going to have to wait for another day.   So, knocked in my typical 48km(ish) ride and made it home just in time to see the start of todays televised Vuelta…

Ride on Strava is here